The statistical differences between PBS control and immunization groups were determined by Student’s t test, and marked with black stars. (C) and (D) Serum sample obtained from mice received PBS (n = 5), 50μg E80_E (n = 4) and 50μg E80_S (n = 5) were 2-fold serially diluted from 1:160 to 1:20480 and measured for (C) end-point dilution titers and (D) OD 450 values by using DENV-3 E80 protein coated ELISA. (A) and (B) Serum samples from different groups of mice (n = 5 for each group) were 2-fold serially diluted from 1:320 to 1:40960 and measured for (A) end-point dilution titers and (B) OD 450 values by using ZIKV E80 protein coated ELISA. Measurement of ZIKV specific and DENV cross-reactive antibody responses elicited by ZIKV E80_S and E80_E proteins. Experimental strategies: (C) immunization and measurement of cellular immune responses (D) Immunization and measurement of humoral immune responses and protection against ZIKV challenge. (B) Purified recombinant ZIKV E80 proteins were verified by SDS-PAGE (left panel) and Western Blot with anti-His antibody (middle) or anti ZIKV envelope antibody (right).

(A) Schematics of plasmid constructs expressing E80_S and E80_E. Expression of recombinant ZIKV envelope proteins and immune strategy.